“ Discover the entire collection of Veronese Beatrice wines and indulge in the typical products paired with them ”
From: €40.00
Check Availability!
Duration: 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Cancel Free: 1 Day Prior
Participants: Minimum 2, Maximum 50

Here is what's in store for you

The Veronese Beatrice Winery, located in the renowned Valpolicella wine region, is ready to welcome you for a special experience that will take you on a journey of discovery through their world that will tickle your senses.

After enjoying a welcome glass of wine, you will have the opportunity learn about the different grape varieties used in the production of Veronese Beatrice wines.

Afterward, you will enjoy a guided tour of the winery's aging and production facilities. Finally, you will taste the aromas and flavors of the 6 wines produced by the winery, accompanied by a selection of local products including cured meats and cheeses, jams, bread with their extra virgin olive oil, an additional selection of local delicacies, sbrisolona cake and dark chocolate

Where we are

Open Map

Booking Policy & Details

Min. 2 persons
In case of any allergies please inform us when booking.

How much does it cost?

You can easily check all the prices clicking on 'Check Availability' button and selecting a date

How many people can participate?

Participants: Minimum 2, Maximum 50


  • Welcome glass of wine
  • Tour of the winery
  • Tasting of 6 wines
  • Rich cutting board with selection of local products
  • Selection of sweet and savory local delicacies

Should I book online?

Booking online in advance is required!

How can I book online?

You can do it in less than a minute! Click on the 'Check Availability' button, choose the date and time among those available and fill in the rest of the requested information.

How do I check availability?

Click on the 'Check Availability' button! You'll find an interactive calendar with dates and times!

How many languages are available?

The languages available for this amazing experience are: Deutsch, English, Español, Italiano. You can choose one of these languages during the booking process.

How long is the experience?

About 2 Hours 15 Minutes

May I cancel the booking for free?

You can cancel for free until 1 Day Prior

Reviews of this Winery


Molto piacevole, ottimi vini e padrona di casa molto disponibile


Grazie mille Raffaele, è stato un piacere ospitarvi. Un carissimo saluto.

Esperienza stupenda all'azienfa agricola beatrice

Sono andata con il mio ragazzo alla degustazione nell'azienda agricola beatrice.
Fin dall'accoglienza sono rimasta stupita dalla passione e voglia di spiegarci i vini prodotti.
Abbiamo iniziato con l'assaggio del bianco soave per poi noi scegliere il percorso di degustazione rosso.
La spiegazione dei vini con l'accostamento dei prodotti tipici è stato a dir poco fantastico.
Lo consiglio vivamente a tutti e se passerò di nuovo da verona sicuramente ripasseró da loro.


Grazie infinite Laura per le belle parole. Alla prossima!

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